Dr. Wexler Bookstore
The Relationship Training Institute offers the following domestic violence and other counseling and treatment-related related books, workbooks, and audio tapes for sale.
For questions or for more information please email us at: rtiworkshops@gmail.com
The STOP Domestic Violence Program Group Leader’s Manual, 4th Edition
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
The latest revision of the highly successful Domestic Violence 2000, this Fourth Edition of The STOP Domestic Violence Program integrates innovative interventions and client-centered guidelines to successfully treat male domestic violence offenders. The bold interventions from STOP have now been field-tested for over thirty years among military and civilian populations—and STOP has now treated over 50,000 domestic violence offenders. Dr. Wexler’s program offers therapists, social workers, and other counselors a new level of sound, psychologically-based interventions that reach the very men who often seem so unapproachable in a treatment setting.
Treatment providers will find new sessions—based on the latest evidence-supported strategies—on insecure attachment issues, stages of change, groundbreaking results from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, normative male alexithymia, stake in conformity issues, substance abuse issues, and more. This new edition integrates 24 field-tested video clips to dramatically illustrate key issues for the group.
The STOP Domestic Violence Program-4th Edition offers group leaders everything they need to understand male domestic violence and the interventions to make a difference
NOTE: The Handouts and Homework workbook can be ordered separately (see next item below).
The STOP Domestic Violence Program Handouts and Homework, 4th edition
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
Fully integrated with the STOP Domestic Violence Program, these handouts are critical to keeping group members actively engaged in overcoming their abusive tendencies. Packaged as functional loose-leaf sheets, they can be added, removed, or rearranged to suit the needs of any group leader. Each participant receives his own set of Handouts and Homework and brings this with him to each group session.
The STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse Group Leader’s Manual 2nd edition
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
THE STOP PROGRAM FOR WOMEN WHO ABUSE (second edition) Group leader's manual for treating women who abuse their partners—now updated and revised.
Long disregarded, female domestic violence is rapidly gaining awareness as research proves not only that it exists, but that the frequency of women abusing men is much higher than we ever knew. While certain core elements of intimate partner violence are shared among all domestic violence offenders, female offenders face unique triggers, personal backgrounds, and relationship dynamics.
Now fully updated and revised, The STOP Program For Women Who Abuse is the most innovative and comprehensive manual to address domestic violence treatment specifically to female offenders, with a program targeted to engage women in their own healing process. This second edition includes new sessions on the Five Love Languages, the Stages of Change, and Stake in Conformity, and updates throughout the text reflect an increased emphasis on trauma theory, attachment theory, mindfulness techniques, and gratitudes. Handouts and homework for participants (sold separately) provide structure for recovery both within sessions and at home.
The STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse Handouts and Homework 2nd edition
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
This program addresses the rapidly increasing awareness of female domestic violence and need for quality treatment services. Developed and field-tested for over twenty-five years among military and civilian populations, this program integrates contemporary interventions and client-centered guidelines to treat domestic violence offenders—who happen to be female. Based on the acclaimed domestic violence treatment program STOP Domestic Violence, which focused on male domestic violence offenders, this book recognizes what is now being widely accepted, abuse is abuse regardless of gender, and must be treated.
These worksheets and exercises, fully integrated with the main book, keep group members actively engaged in overcoming their abusive behaviors. Packaged as loose-leaf sheets, they can be added, removed, or rearranged to suit the needs of any leader administering the program.
The STOP Program: Fifteen Commandments & Feelings Count Posters
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
For all domestic violence treatment programs that utilize "The STOP Program", RTI has just made it easier to display two posters in your group rooms that are integral to the treatment model: "The Fifteen Commandments of STOP" and "Feelings Count."
Both posters are 24 x 36 inches, and shipped in a protective tube.
“It’s Just A Choice” DVD
This is a series of ten outstanding brief video vignettes created for men’s behavioral change programs. They demonstrate various aspects of abusive behavior and offer positive options for change.
RTI’s “STOP Program” is now integrating many of these video vignettes into our internationally-recognized programs treating relationship violence.
Video produced by Films4Change
A portion of all proceeds from the sale of this DVD will be contributed to the not-for-profit Films4Change, Inc.
#METOO-INFORMED THERAPY: Counseling Approaches for Men, Women, and Couples
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD and Holly B. Sweet, PhD
The rapid rise of the #MeToo movement has created a seismic shift in how we work with sexual misconduct that occurs in relationships between men and women, but the scope and impact of behaviors within that category is full of gray areas. #MeToo-Informed Therapy guides therapists in finding effective ways to help men who offend, empowering women to find their voices, exploring ways for men to be allies in the #MeToo movement, and helping couples whose relationships can be enhanced by understanding #MeToo issues.
This book is designed for counselors, therapists, and anyone in the helping professions to understand the men (usually) who engage in sexual misconduct, the women (usually) who are on the receiving end, and the couples whose relationships have been disrupted by prior experiences with sexual harassment and/or assault. The book is not focused on gross criminal behavior (i.e., rape) but more about the gray areas of everyday interactions between the sexes and the various psychological and societal forces that get in the way.
Organizations such as college counseling centers, military counseling centers, mental health clinics, and corporate HR departments have already shown interest in ordering bulk copies for all staff. Books are also available at WWNorton.com and Amazon.com.
For training opportunities on the central themes in this book for your organization, please contact the RTI office manager at rtiworkshops@gmail.com or (619) 892-8318.
David Wexler, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Relationship Training Institute in San Diego, California, and conducts professional training throughout North America for the treatment of family violence. He received the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association in 2003 and has published When Good Men Behave Badly, Men In Therapy, #Me-Too Informed Therapy (with Holly Sweet, Ph.D.) and Is He Depressed or What?.
Holly B. Sweet, PhD, is a counseling psychologist and cofounder of the Cambridge Center for Gender Relations. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
Men in Therapy: New Approaches for Effective Treatment
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
In Men in Therapy, Dr. David Wexler illuminates the ways in which cultural norms and assumptions color the male experience of psychotherapy. He explains how the traditional notions of masculinity (the “Guy Code”) keep men away from the therapist’s office and inhibit men trying to benefit from counseling and therapy. In this ground-breaking book, therapists are offered a rich understanding of these issues and even richer set of guidelines and strategies for engaging men in new and creative ways.
Men enter the world of counseling due to a wide range of needs and come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and they do not always show up voluntarily. Individual chapters are devoted to the treatment of men in relationships, men suffering from depression, fathers, men who abuse women, and men of color. Wexler provides a fresh perspective on the issues unique to each group, plus sound advice and common sense methods for treating each of these groups effectively, nonjudgmentally, and professionally. He draws on contemporary research, his 25 years of extensive clinical experience, and his own experience of therapy as a man, to equip the therapist with the knowledge and confidence necessary to provide effective therapy to men.
Sin Golpes
Written by Christauria Welland, PsyD, David B. Wexler, PhD, and Jose Antonio Valenzuela (Translator)
This new Spanish edition is much more than a translation
Sin Golpes was originally developed and field-tested in English for the U.S. Navy over a 13-year period. Using client centered guidelines, the manual integrates a lively package of cognitive-behavioral skills and psychoeducation about abuse while maintaining the primary emphasis on respect for the abuser himself.
It contains:
Adaptations and expansion of content specific to Latino culture, based on qualitative research, demographic data, and the literature on family violence.
An introduction to the Spanish edition, including cultural guidelines on methodology for Latino offenders and therapeutic strategies that are likely to be effective for Latinos.
The use of simple vocabulary, with definitions of words that many group members may not have heard.
The eight sections are presented from the perspective of Latino clients:
Foundations, brief interventions, self-management, human rights, parent education, relationship skills, spirituality and prevention, and relapse prevention.
The program includes:
A compact disc included with the manual, of relaxation exercises to be used in group.
Exercises, handouts, and homework assignments to help clients deal with the powerful issues with which they are struggling.
Client workbooks can be ordered separately (see below)
Christauria Welland, Psy.D., practices clinical psychology in Solana Beach, California. She began her work with families in Mexico in 1976, and is currently engaged in research and teaching on Latino family violence in the U.S., Mexico, and Peru. Adjunct Faculty at Alliant International University, Dr. Welland also volunteers with Mexican migrant workers in San Diego County. She is the author of the cultural adaptations in this manual and also collaborated with José Antonio Valenzuela in the translation of the original.
David Wexler, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Relationship Training Institute in San Diego, California, and conducts professional training throughout North America for the treatment of family violence. He received the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association in 2003 and has published When Good Men Behave Badly, Men In Therapy, #Me-Too Informed Therapy (with Holly Sweet, Ph.D.) and Is He Depressed or What?.
Sin Golpes: Cuaderno de trabajo
Written by Christauria Welland, PsyD, David B. Wexler, PhD, and Jose Antonio Valenzuela (Translator)
This accompanying workbook contains the exercises necessary to complete the Without Abuse program. It is intended to help its subjects relate to their spouses and family members in a healthy and respectful manner. Este cuaderno de ejercicios contiene los pasos necesarios para cumplir el programa Sin Golpes. Esta pensado en guiará al lector por el sendero en el que encontrará una manera más placentera de relacionarse con su pareja y su familia.
Christauria Welland, Psy.D., practices clinical psychology in Solana Beach, California. She began her work with families in Mexico in 1976, and is currently engaged in research and teaching on Latino family violence in the U.S., Mexico, and Peru. Adjunct Faculty at Alliant International University, Dr. Welland also volunteers with Mexican migrant workers in San Diego County. She is the author of the cultural adaptations in this manual and also collaborated with José Antonio Valenzuela in the translation of the original.
David Wexler, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Relationship Training Institute in San Diego, California, and conducts professional training throughout North America for the treatment of family violence. He received the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association in 2003 and has published When Good Men Behave Badly, Men In Therapy, #Me-Too Informed Therapy (with Holly Sweet, Ph.D.) and Is He Depressed or What?.
The Broken Mirror: A Self Psychological Treatment Perspective for Relationship Violence (RTI) Professional Article
Written by David B. Wexler, PhD
This journal article by Dr. Wexler highlights the self-psychological perspective on male domestic violence. This orientation reflects a fundamental respect for the psychological needs and pressures of the abusive male and encourages clinicians to utilize this perspective as a way of more effectively reaching this population.
David Wexler, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Relationship Training Institute in San Diego, California, and conducts professional training throughout North America for the treatment of family violence. He received the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association in 2003 and has published When Good Men Behave Badly, Men In Therapy, #Me-Too Informed Therapy (with Holly Sweet, Ph.D.) and Is He Depressed or What?.
Sales tax: California residents add 7.75% sales tax.
Shipping & Handling:
• USA only: add $3.00 per book, $7.00 for Sin Golpes Manual, $5.00 per DVD/CD, and $15.00 per two-poster order
• Canada & International: additional charges apply, a shipping quote will be provided based upon location
Will be added to the total in the invoice sent to you.
If you have any questions email Tami at rtiworkshops@gmail.com.